Purposes and Content

Purposes and Content

The purposes of this Website are exclusively to introduce who we are, Galiot Coffee Brands, and what we do in the business world.

The information presented on the Website, whether in text, images, videos, drawings, infographics, or any other material or format, is either produced by the Owner or its collaborators or obtained from third parties. In the latter case, it will always come from sources that, in the Owner’s judgment, are reliable in terms of their truthfulness, integrity, and availability.

Necessary measures will be taken to ensure the quality and accuracy of the information. However, despite the rigor of these measures, the Owner assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, and currency of the information published on the Web or for any errors it may contain or elements it may omit, all in good faith.

The Owner reserves the right to incorporate and/or make changes, updates, or improvements to the Website’s content at any time without prior or subsequent notice.

The Owner is also not responsible for any damages that may arise from using the information published on the Website or on social media. The Owner always recommends cross-checking the information with other sources, especially if you intend to make any decisions based on it. The Website may offer links that redirect you to third-party web pages. These links are provided solely to facilitate User access to other sites where the Owner believes in good faith you will find complementary or expanded information relevant to its own Web.

These third-party pages are beyond the control and responsibility of the Owner of this Website; therefore, the Owner is not responsible for their content or the destinations of the direct or recommended links they may include, nor for any consequences, including damages or losses, resulting from your navigation once you leave this Website.

The inclusion of a link on this Website does not imply agreement or assumption of its contents and/or proposals. It also does not necessarily indicate a relationship between the Owner of this Website and the administrators of the linked site.

Remember that once you enter the page where the link takes you, you may be affected or bound by other privacy policies, cookies, legal terms, etc., which may not coincide with those of this Website. Read them carefully and act accordingly.

The Ownership of the Website is also the owner of all intellectual and industrial property rights of its content and elements, except those belonging to third parties. In particular, as an example and not exhaustively, it owns the rights to: information, texts, images, selections, own logos and distinctive signs, design, structure, proprietary software, and adaptations.

All rights are reserved.

Access to the Website, by accepting the conditions set forth for this purpose, does not affect the ownership or content of the referred rights nor implies any other permission than to receive the presented information for personal use. This access, therefore, does not allow copying, downloading, reproducing, storing, distributing, publicly communicating, either in whole or in part, the contents and other elements of the Web, nor any other use, especially those for commercial and/or lucrative purposes.

Any use different from receiving the information under the expressed terms is prohibited and will require the prior, express, and written authorization of the Website Owner. When a third-party website wishes to incorporate a link to this Website, prior authorization is not required, but communication to the Ownership of this Website is necessary, which may deny that inclusion at any time without providing reasons. As guidance, this link should lead to the Homepage and should not be in an environment nor have any comment or addition that is not entirely and clearly appropriate to the purposes or principles of this Website and its Owner.

Anyone who believes that content or an element of the Website has been used in detriment to their intellectual or industrial property rights should contact the Ownership at the contact address listed in the Privacy Policy: Options section. A written communication should be sent, including at least their identification data, determination of the content or element over which they claim rights, proof of ownership of the alleged rights, and legitimacy to claim them if not the owner.